La Crete Waste Transfer Station
Fort Vermilion/Main Office: 780.927.3718
La Crete Office: 780.928.3983
Mackenzie County operates a number of Waste Transfer Stations throughout the municipality for the disposal of solid waste. Mackenzie County reserves the right to control the type and nature of refuse which may be deposited at the transfer station and no refuse may be deposited at the transfer station except in accordance with the Waste Transfer Station Operations Manual. Please note that all tandem or tridem-axle trucks are directed to the Mackenzie Regional Landfill.
Anyone found to be littering waste to be disposed of at the Waste Transfer Station or Landfill shall be subject to a fine of $1,000.00. We ask that you please do your part to keep our communities clean!
Waste Transfer Station Fees
The following fees are charged at waste transfer stations, effective April 28, 2021. Current fees are listed in the Fee Schedule Bylaw. Users can prepay these fees by purchasing a County “Solid Waste Punch Card” at any of the County offices.
Hamlet and Rural Residential Waste (up to three (3) bags): $5.00
Hamlet and Rural Residential Waste (up to six (6) bags): $10.00
Pickup Truck (partial or full load): $50.00
Pickup Truck (with trailer): $200.00
Dump Trailers Using 40-Yard Bins (all sizes): $275.00
Untarped Loads Penalty: $100.00
Additional Words to Improve Search: Garbage - Dump