Visitors looking to move their families to La Crete have a good selection of schools, extra curricular activities, fitness/recreation programs and other services to choose from when deciding if La Crete is the place that they want to send their children to school. With 3 Public Schools located directly in La Crete, a Pre-School, and also a Community College for Adults & newly graduated students, you can be sure to find the best options for not only your children but also for yourself.
Those living or wanting to live in the surrounding area also have access to 3 Public Schools; one in Blumenort, one in Buffalo Head Prairie & one in the Blue Hills area. Blumenort is about 20 minutes Northeast of La Crete, Buffalo Head Prairie is 15 minutes South of La Crete and Blue Hills is about 30 minutes Southwest of La Crete. Each area also has it’s own Automotive Repair Shop along with a Grocery Store and Gas Pumps.
All 6 Public Schools are under Fort Vermilion School Division #52.
For those interested in sending their children to a more traditional Mennonite school, there are options available.
Reinland School Blumenort Mennonite School
10609-94 Avenue Phone: 1.780.928.2242
La Crete, Alberta T0H 2H0
Phone: 1.780.928.4757
Northern Home Education Centre
9710-100 Street
La Crete, Alberta T0H 2H0
Phone: 1.780.928.0212
Fax: 1.780.928.9883
Grades K – 12
La Crete Learning Store
10306-100 Street
La Crete, Alberta T0H 2H0
Phone: 1.780.928.4908
High School Level (Grades 10 – 12)
La Crete Head Start
10102-96 Avenue
La Crete, Alberta T0H 2H0
Phone: 1.780.928.3323
Fax: 1.780.928.3343
Pre-School aged children

Sandhills Elementary School
P.O. Box 59
La Crete, Alberta T0H 2H0
Phone: 1.780.928.3947
Fax: 1.780.928.2337
Grades K – 3

Ridgeview Central School
10502-94 Avenue
P.O. Box 1750
La Crete, Alberta T0H 2H0
Phone: 1.780.928.3100
Fax: 1.780.928.2262
Grades 4 – 6

La Crete Public School
10001-99 Avenue
P.O. Box 1720
La Crete, Alberta T0H 2H0
Phone: 1.780.928.3913
Fax: 1.780.928.3000
Grades 7 – 12
Blue Hills Community School
P.O. Box 30
Buffalo Head Prairie, Alberta T0H 4A0
Phone: 1.780.928.3632
Fax: 1.780.928.2299
Grades K – 9
Buffalo Head Prairie School
P.O. Box 60
Buffalo Head Prairie, Alberta T0H 4A0
Phone: 1.780.928.2282
Fax: 1.780.928.2448
Grades K – 9
Hill Crest Community School
P.O. Box 2110
La Crete, Alberta T0H 2H0
Phone: 1.780.927.3203
Fax: 1.780.927.3233
Grades K – 9
Northern Lakes College
10105-94 Avenue
P.O. Box 368
La Crete, Alberta T0H 2H0
Phone: 1.780.928.2008
Toll Free: 1.866.652.3456
Fax: 1.780.928.2074